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Middle East Top 5 Most Powerful Countries

Middle East Top 5 Most Powerful Countries

The Middle East s a geopolitical region includes the vast majority of the territories included in the closely associated definition of West Asia, and additionally includes all of Egypt and all of Turkey. There are 18 countries in middle east region.

Lets get started

Number 5 : Saudi Arabia
Active military personnel: 257000
The Royal Saudi Armed Forces are one of the best-funded in the world,having the world’s 5th largest defence budget with 72 billion US dollar.

Land Power:
Main battle tanks: 1480+
Self propelled artillery:1230
Multiple launch rocket system: 490

Air power:
Total aircraft: 900+
Combat aircraft: 280+ which includes fighter jets like F -15,Eurofighter Typhoons and Panavia tornado
Total Helicopters: 260

Naval Power:
Total Ships: 57 which includes 7 frigates and 4 corvettes in its inventory

Number 4: EGYPT
The Egyptian armed forces is the strongest armed forces in Africa,Its active military personnel is around 438000 ands its reserve military is around 479000 with a defence budget of 5 billion US dollar.

Land Power:
The Egyptian military currently has around 4100 main battle tanks,1480 self propelled artillery and approximately 1100 multiple launch rocket system

Total Aircraft: 1050+
Combat Aircraft:230+ which includes fighters like mig 29 ,mirage 2000,Rafale and F-16.
Helicopter: 330+

Naval Power:
Total Ship: 140 out of which 2 are helicopter carrier,13 are frigates,7 are corvettes and 8 are submarines.

Number 3: IRAN
Iranian Armed Forces is the largest in the Middle East in terms of active troops with approximately 587000 personnel and around 200000 reserve personnel.The Iranian armed forces has a defence budget of around 10 billion USD.

The Iranian military currently has around 2000 tanks, 580 self propelled artillery and approximately 770 multiple launch rocket system.

Total aircraft strength: 550
Total combat aircraft:180 which includes fighters like mig 29 and mirage F1
Total Helicopter: 130

Naval Power:
Total naval ship: 100
Which includes 7 frigates,3 corvettes and 19 submarines

Number 2: Israel
The Israeli military is one of the most advanced with sophisticated weapons and technology in the Middle East region.It has around 170000 active military personnel and has 465000+ reserve personnel.Its military budget is around 25 billion US dollar.

Land Power:
The Israeli military currently has around 1370 main battle tanks,650 self propelled artillery and 150+ multiple launch rocket system.

Total aircraft strength: 690
Combat aircraft strength :240 which includes F 35,F15 and F16
Total helicopter strength: 145

Naval Strength:
Total naval Ships:67 ,which includes 7 corvettes and 5 Submarines

Number 1: Turkey
The Turkish Armed Forces is the second largest standing military force in NATO, after the U.S. Armed Forces.Its armed forces currently has around 400000 active military personnel with a defence budget of around 11 billion US dollar.
The Turkish armed forces currently has around 2200 main battle tanks,290+ multiple launch rocket system and 1000+ self propelled artillery.

Now coming to its Air Power The Turkish military has 1050+ total aircraft and is the largest in Europe in terms of aircraft quantity.
Out of the 1050 total aircraft around 290 are combat aircraft which includes F16 and F4 fantom 2.
The Turkish military has 500+ total helicopter.

Naval Power:
The Turkish navy currently has around 190 total ship out of which 16 are frigates,9 are corvettes and 12 are submarines.

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