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Whale & Dolphin Adventures (Full Show) - SeaWorld San Diego - June 13, 2024

The show is called Dolphin Adventures but pilot whales Ava and Piper were in this entire show with the dolphins, so I think they deserved a shoutout!

Because Cardiff, Sandy, Bullet and friends didn't give up the adjacent back pool in time back to these animals, they had no choice but to do the entire show with the entire pod in the show pool only. I wasn't complaining in the least about it! See below for highlights:

0:05 Intro starting with Melanie's high jump
1:02 Introducing pilot whales Ava and Piper
3:00 Captain's spin porps, one of my favorite dolphin behaviors

6:00 Volunteer with Malibu

9:20 Playtime starting with all dolphin and pilot whales vocalizing
10:10 Ava and Piper bows
11:20 Ava and Piper center hulas later joined by the dolphins
11:58 Pilot whale Ava and dolphins Melanie Koa Sarasota bow on both sides

14:22 Finale starting with Malibu's bows
14:45 Captain forward tailwalk
16:12 Group scream bow with the dolphins

Karli, Zana, Sofi, Skylar, Captain, Malibu, Koa, Corona, Sarasota, Melanie (Atlantic/Pacific Bottlenose Dolphins) and Ava and Piper (Short-finned Atlantic Pilot Whales) at SeaWorld San Diego on June 13, 2024.

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