랭리 윌로비 신규분양 타운하우스 AVIVA Willoughby
예상완공일 : 2025년 10월
디파짓 : 5%
구성 :
2 bedroom + Den (1310 sqft) ~ 4 Bedroom, 3.5 bath (1975 sqft)
80만불 후반대 부터
자세한 사항은 션리 부동산에 문의주세요.
션리 부동산 (Sean Lee)
주택매매 /렌트관리 /신규분양 전문 부동산
(Trading / Property management license 보유)
778 989 4989, sjunlee74@gmail.com
Royal First Realty
Disclaimer: The above information, while deemed to be correct, is not guaranteed. The information contained herein has either been given by the property owner or obtained from sources that we deem reliable. Homes provides professional property management services on behalf of the owner of this property. Rental availability, rates and timing are subject to change.