3557いいね 145305回再生

#21. 의대 국시 모의고사 (임종평 1차) 준비부터 시험 리뷰까지ㅣ 공부 브이로그

I had a mock KMLE test last thursday and friday.
Next THU and FRI is another one, too. But, COVID-19 is rapidly spreading so it might be canceled. No one knows what will happen, so, I'll do my best to do what I'm doing now.

Preparation was nothing special, but reviewing test after marking is the KEY of my studies. I really enjoy taking tests because I learn so much in it. I bet no one can concentrate like one do in test in everyday study. So, solving questions in test really helps. But, if I do not review them and organize what I have learned, it would be nothing. Maybe that's why I take a long time reviewing.

Isn't the cat so cute? T.T I should get a cat snack so I can give it anytime I see her!

Ipad) ipad pro 3 generation 12.9 inch
Ipad case) viewsee magnetic smart cover 12.9 3 gen – BROWN (from coupang)

"Nouvelle Noel" Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License

#VLOG, #Korea, #Study vlog, #Med school, #College vlog, #South Korea, #Study, #Med school student, #Dailylife