Do you have a dog who has "selective hearing"? Maybe your dog only responds when you’re holding a treat in your hand? In this livestream we'll talk about some simple dog training tips that will teach your dog to listen to you when you need it the most! These tips are the kind of thing that you'll be able to start using right after watching the show. They are also easy-to-remember tips that can be used for any breed of dog, in lots of different training situations. Join professional dog trainers, Ken Steepe and Kayl McCann at 7:30 PM, EST on Thursday and hop aboard the training train in another episode of the Train Station. Do you have a dog training question? Let us know about it in the chat!
Struggling with recall training? Do THIS: • Teach Your Puppy To Come When Called!
Get personalized help with your puppy training that's specific to YOU and YOUR puppy!: www.McCannDogs.Link/PuppyEssentials
Are you looking for a more personalized training plan for your dog? We now have a Life Skills program for dogs over 5 months old. The Life Skills program is fully supported by a McCann Dogs trainer for YOU. Check out:
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Thanks for watching,
Happy Training! ~Ken
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