Imagine iconic landmarks 1000 years from now facing catastrophic events. In Indonesia, the Monas stands amidst a futuristic Jakarta ravaged by a massive meteor strike. In the USA, the Statue of Liberty endures a fire-ravaged New York City. In France, the Eiffel Tower rises from a futuristic Paris submerged by floods. In Egypt, the Pyramids of Giza are damaged by a meteor strike amidst a futuristic city in ruins. See how these symbols of the past survive the chaos of the future.
Future Landmarks
Iconic Landmarks 1000 Years
Monas in the Future
Statue of Liberty Future
Eiffel Tower Flood
Pyramids of Giza Meteor
Future Disasters
Futuristic Cities
Environmental Awareness
Protect the Planet
Landmarks After Disasters
Future Predictions
Save the Earth