We’re just getting started with the Cricut Mug Press, but we’re already floored at how well it sublimates mugs and tumblers. To be honest, we almost didn’t buy the Cricut Mug Press, as we thought it only did heat press on mugs (and we already have too many mugs). But once Sheesh So Crafty showed the world that you can actually sublimate skinny tumblers in the Cricut Mug Press as well (link to her video below!), we decided to buy one and see if we could sublimate skinny tumblers in the Cricut Mug Press. And it works!
However, we did make quick a few mistakes on our first couple of tumbler presses in the Cricut Mug Press. So in this video, we show you the mistakes we made with the mug press so you don’t make them as well. We also show you one full, good skinny tumbler press in the Cricut Mug Press to show you how to do it the right way.
We hope this helps you push the possibilities with your new Cricut Mug Press!
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🥤🥤Since we made this video, we've tried out a ton of sublimation blanks from Johnson Plastics Plus and love them all!
🤑 Use code 9PME6 for 10% off List Price at Johnson Plastics Plus
Promo code valid through 2022 for unlimited usage. Excludes equipment, ink, fabrication and STB subscriptions 🤑
(Links = Affiliate Links)
Cricut Mug Press
Cricut: cricut.pxf.io/mugpress
Amazon: amzn.to/3re3y28
Cricut Mugs - 12oz
Cricut: cricut.pxf.io/12ozmugs
Amazon: amzn.to/2P29sq2
Cricut Mugs - 15oz
Cricut: cricut.pxf.io/15ozmugs
Amazon: amzn.to/3f6C5wU
Cricut Infusible Ink Paper
Amazon: amzn.to/3vPuuJa
Heat Resistant Tape
Cricut: cricut.pxf.io/heattape
Amazon: amzn.to/2Phaa2L
Silicon Trivets - amzn.to/3lHzLhk
A-Sub Sublimation Paper - amzn.to/3vRDoWz
Butcher Paper - amzn.to/398q869
Scissors - amzn.to/3cQQ9I8
Pencil - amzn.to/2QkXecr
Pineapple Graphic: shrsl.com/394du
Sublimation Setup:
Epson EcoTank (converted) - amzn.to/3gdRKd5
Cosmos Ink - shrsl.com/3mmhi
A-Sub Sublimation Paper - amzn.to/3vRDoWz
Silicon Trivets - amzn.to/3lHzLhk
Butcher Paper - amzn.to/398q869
Affiliate Notification
We are a participant in a few affiliate programs, which means that we earn a commission when you click on certain links. You don't pay anything extra for the items you buy; we just get credit for referring you! Below are the following affiliate programs we currently participate in:
We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to Amazon.com and affiliated sites.
We are also a participant in the Cricut affiliate program and Johnson Plastics Plus influencer program.
Fun - Vibe Tracks
Daily Beetle by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license. creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
Source: incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/index.html?isrc…
Artist: incompetech.com/
Pointing Arrow - ProductionCrate.com
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Inspired by Sheesh So Crafty: • How to use the New! Cricut Mug Press ...