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How to make pizza | pizza process| Shorts #shorts #viral #pizza

How to make pizza | pizza process| Shorts #shorts #viral #pizza

Many of you asked for the extended version of my neapolitan pizza process...and I promised to provide it...so...here you go...

pizza dough recipe - direct method 1 kg medium-strong flour (11-12% protein)

650 g water

30 g salt

1 g fresh yeast

✔ Mix everything together and knead it very well until the dough passes the window pane test. You can make this dough easily by hand. And DON'T stress yourself about kneading! Mix the ingredients together and do a few stretch & folds every half hour for the first 2 hours. Super easy...piece of cake...

✔bulk fermentation: let the dough double in volume. My room temperature is 22°C at the moment...so it takes about 14 hours in my kitchen

Shape the dough balls and let them final proof until doubled in volumes This takes usually less time than the bulk fermentation