67234いいね 1826377回再生

A fathers lesson | Dark emotional music

Final version will be released on a future album.
Buy the high quality pre album version here! petergundry.bandcamp.com/track/a-fathers-lesson
Follow me on Spotify - open.spotify.com/artist/0HCkZtmMJLvUyWT5m0ojBX
A Fathers Lesson - Introducing his daughter to her Familiar!
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Bandcamp - petergundry.bandcamp.com/
iTunes - itunes.apple.com/au/artist/peter-gundry/880678510

Want a license to use my music for your project? Visit here - www.petergundrymusic.com/

Song - A Fathers Lesson
Composed & Produced by Peter Gundry
All rights Reserved (c)

PATREON - Join up and become a patreon today and join in on live discord community chat hangouts. We talk music , composing and anything else you want. Soon i will be rewarding singed CD's and you will also receive high quality versions of every song from the time you join + exclusive unreleased songs and much more! www.patreon.com/PeterGundryComposer

Artowrk by Abigail Larson
Facebook - www.facebook.com/abigailarson
Website - www.abigaillarson.com/

Follow me on Spotify - open.spotify.com/artist/0HCkZtmMJLvUyWT5m0ojBX