25いいね 464回再生

TEACHING OUR FIVE KIDS TO SKI | Large Family Ski Adventure | ARE WE CRAZY?? ⛷

We must be crazy! We took FIVE KIDS SKIING FOR THE FIRST TIME!! It was something Jared said he would never do but I'm so glad we did. Our FAMILY SKI TRIP was such fun and a huge success. WE TAUGHT ALL FIVE KIDS TO SKI in one day. They did great! Who do you think caught on the quickest?? TAKING A LARGE FAMILY SKIING is definitely an ADVENTURE. Does your family ski??

If you're in the area, check out Hidden Valley Ski Resort!
Website: www.hiddenvalleyski.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/hiddenvalleystl
Instagram: www.instagram.com/hiddenvalleystl/

There are lots of FAMILY VLOGGERS out there, we are so glad you have chosen to join us!

#teachingthekidstoski #familyskitrip #largefamily #largefamilyskitrip #skiing
Intro 0:00
Suiting Up: 0:55
Ski School: 1:54
First Ski Lift: 2:44
First Blue: 3:50
Brother-Sister Ski: 4:22
Challenging the Kids: 5:23
Ski Gear
Kids Ski Pants: amzn.to/3MEsnQO
Adult Ski Pants (Men's): amzn.to/3tP73ja
Adult Ski Pants (Women's):
Ski Goggles: amzn.to/3t6fmrF
Gloves: amzn.to/3q14sS2
Some of our Gear
Main Camera: amzn.to/3B9ansd
Smaller Camera: amzn.to/3zetJKJ
GoPro: amzn.to/3BdVGnI
Drone: amzn.to/3erHHRy
Tripod: amzn.to/3krCRHx
Microphone: amzn.to/3wKca3n
*these are affiliate links and we may receive a small commission if you purchase using our links. Thank you so much for your support!!
You can find more of what we use on our kit.co site: kit.co/zero2fivefamily
Curious about anything? Ask! 😊
Thank you so much for watching! Please subscribe:    / @zero2fivefamily  
We want to answer your questions about foster care and adoption! Contact us through our website and find resources like parenting and adoption resources in addition to website and vlogging resources.

Or, message us on:
INSTAGRAM @zero2fivefamily www.instagram.com/zero2fivefamily/
FACEBOOK @zero2fivefamily www.facebook.com/zero2fivefamily/
TWITTER @zero2fivefamily twitter.com/zero2fivefamily

We would love to hear from you!
Zero2Five Family
P.O. Box 625
Reeds Spring, MO 65737

#vloggingfamily #youtubefamily #christianfamilyvloggers #adoption #fostercare
Music From: ‪@epidemicsound‬
Artist: Hallman
Songs Used: “You Blow My Mind"
Use this link for 30 days free!!
We are the Black Family! We went from zero to five kids overnight through the miracle of adoption and foster care. We are learning to be a family together and want to inspire and encourage others to get involved in their state's foster program. We take lots of adventures together but...let's face it...parenting 5 kids is an adventure all on it's own!