#炒蛋 #秘訣
試咗好多次都做唔到完美炒滑蛋? 用凍/室温蛋原來有影響?! 公開炒蛋秘訣,睇片包你一試就成功!
蝦仁 4隻切粒 | Prawns 4 pieces , cut into pieces
刺身級帶子 4隻 切粒 | Scallops , sashimi grade , cut into pieces
辣豆瓣醬 2茶匙 | LKK chilli bean sauce , 2 teaspoons
麻油 1茶匙 | Sesame oil , 1 teaspoon
雞蛋 4-6隻 | Free range eggs 4-6
雞湯 1湯匙 | Chicken broth , 1 tablespoon
淡忌廉 3湯匙 | Cooking cream , 3 tablespoons
適當調味 | season to taste
無鹽牛油 適量 | Unsalted butter
碎蕃茜 | Chopped parsley
黑椒碎 1/2茶匙 | Black pepper , 1/2 teaspoon
Marinate prawns and scallops for 5 minutes
雞蛋加入雞湯及淡忌廉,輕輕打至均勻,加入適當調味 ,待5分鐘
Season egg with broth, cooking cream and season to taste , lightly whisk and leave it for 5 minutes
In a skillet , fry prawns and scallops until cooked , put in a bowl or plate for use later
In the same skillet , heat up with a dash of butter and pour in the egg mixture. Quickly remove the skillet away from flame and use either a wooden or silicone spatula to keep stirring until the egg has thickened up. You may like to put your skillet over low flame if needed. The whole process should take less than 1 minute .
Assemble everything together on a plate , and served with chopped parsley and black pepper on top.
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