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Reviving Education | Yamuna Harshavardhana

Inspiring Change in Education Through Research and Action| Yamuna Harshavardhana| Changemaker

Yamuna Harshavardhana is a Chemical Engineer turned educator, who graduated from Annamalai University and worked as a Projects Engineer from 1994 to 1998. Her passion for Itihasas and Puranas led her to study and write extensively while raising young children, culminating in her book, Once Upon A Time Thousands of Years Ago—a collection of 51 Mahabharata stories.

She transitioned to school education in 2004, dedicating over 16 years to Primary and Middle School education. As a trained Special Educator, she observed the persistence of colonial teaching patterns across Bharata, Malaysia, and Singapore. Her independent research on Indic education earned her the Best Paper Award at the New Frontiers in Sanskrit and Indic Knowledge (NFSI) conference in 2019, organized by Chinmaya Vishwavidyapeeth. This research inspired her book, VIDYA: Re-Rooting The Beautiful Tree (2022).

In 2023, she presented a paper on folk traditions as knowledge streams at the Indica Conference on Pedagogy in Ujjain. Since 2019, she has been actively working with Bharatiya Shikshan Mandal and currently serves as the Shaleya Prakalpa Pramukh (Institutional Projects) for Uttar Tamil Nadu.
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