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DAY THREE Boyfriend's Apartment Was a Crime Scene

Chattanooga, Tennessee CASE BACKGROUND: 22-year-old Jasmine Pace was last seen on surveillance leaving her family home on November 22nd, 2022. At 2:15 AM on November 23rd, neighbors heard Jasmine and her boyfriend fighting in his apartment. That day, Jason Chen, 22, was seen on surveillance buying peroxide, paper towels, and cleaning supplies. After Jasmine did not show up for Thanksgiving dinner with her family, they got very worried about her. Her mom, Catrice Pace, tracked her vehicle with an app and immediately called 911 on November 26th, 2022. On December 1st, 2022, the Chatanooga police found Jasmine's remains. Jason Chen was charged with first-degree m*rder and abuse of a c*rpse. The trial starts with Opening Statements on Monday, January 13th, 2025.

Court footage source: ‪@LawAndCrime‬
TRIAL PREP: youtube.com/live/z5elSaYYKwU?feature=share
The only Grizzly link you need: grizzlytruecrime.com/

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Stay Safe!
Gisela K.

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