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Why Muslim women wear a hijab, burka or niqab & the importance of modesty in Islam | ABC Australia

For Muslim women, wearing the hijab can bring a sense of pride, but it can also attract racism as misconceptions and assumptions prevail. So, let's set the record straight.

0:00 Hijabs explained
0:16 What is the importance of modesty in Islam?
0:40 What is a hijab?
1:25 Are hijabs only for women?
2:15 Are hijab, niqab and burqa the same?
2:41 Are jilbabs and burqas types of hijabs?
3:22 Why do some women cover their faces?
3:52 Do women have a choice in wearing a hijab?
5:16 Do women wear a hijab all the time?
6:14 Why do some Muslim women not wear a hijab?

READ MORE: www.abc.net.au/news/2024-03-06/house-of-gods-explo…

📽 Video produced by Zena Chamas, Amal Wehbe, Fiona Purcell and Anthony Scully and edited by Anthony Scully and Sharon Gordon.

House of Gods vision courtesy of Matchbox Pictures.
WATCH: iview.abc.net.au/show/house-of-gods

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