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2022.12.06 純素料理介紹:塔香素麻油G (Basil Fried with Vegetarian Sesame Oil Chicken) 冬至家常料理│食譜


Along with the coming of winter, this video aims to introduce a vegan recipe to protect against the cold: Basil Fried Vegetarian Sesame Oil Chicken. After eating this dish, the body will warm up and will no longer be so afraid of the cold.

#吃素 #環保 #救地球 #純素 #素食 #vegan #vegetarian #全素 #營養 #養生 #健康

Be Veg, Go Green, to Save our Earth (吃素、環保、救地球)
[Youtube]    / @vge-fth  
[乾淨世界] www.ganjing.com/zh-TW/channel/1ffdljtjf5s1AYbqY8Y3…
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[GETTR] gettr.com/user/beveg_gogreen
[Instagram] www.instagram.com/beveg_gogreen/
[TikTok] www.tiktok.com/@beveg_gogreen?lang=zh-Hant-TW

音樂: Carefree Claps
音樂家: REDproductions
網址: pixabay.com/music/-carefree-ukulele-claps-playful-…