In this video i have explained how you can run scrapy in google colab in very simple and easy steps
for code examples:…
0:00 Let's dive into web scraping with Scrapy on Google Colab! First things first, I created a sparkling new Google Colab notebook and hooked it up to the resources. A quick RAM and disk usage check later, and we were ready to roll.
0:20 Next, I brought Scrapy onboard using pip3. Nice and smooth installation, let's move on!
1:00 Time to craft a spider! I cooked up a Scrapy spider class inheriting from scrapy.Spider, complete with a start_urls method defining the target URLs and a parse method to extract juicy data from the website's response.
2:00 With the spider prepped, I unleashed Scrapy's built-in crawler process. Feeding it a pre-configured dictionary of crawler settings and our eager spider, I watched the magic unfold.
3:00 And now, for the sweet reward! The scraped data landed neatly in a file called "item.csv" on the remote disk. A quick peek with a text editor revealed the treasures within.
4:00 Running Scrapy on Google Colab proved to be a breeze! Not only did it spare my local machine the installation hassle, but it also opened the door to easy code sharing.
5:00 That's it, folks! We've successfully scraped the web with Scrapy on Google Colab. Now, go forth and unleash your spider-powered adventures!