What to Do in the Garden in Mid Winter | January Gardening Guide.
Garden hints, tips and inspiration from gardeners for the January.
Order my books at bytherfarm.com/books
Hedging trees and other plants from directplants.co.uk/?afmc=1t (affiliate link)
Sue Kent at The Blake Theatre www.theblaketheatre.org/fri-17-feb-2023-sue-kent-t…
Naturally JB youtube.com/@JBNat
Jane's Growing Garden youtube.com/@JanesGrowingGarden
Middle Sized Garden youtube.com/@TheMiddlesizedGarden
Niall Gardens youtube.com/@NiallGardens
Huw Richards youtube.com/@HuwRichards
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About Us.
Byther Farm is a small organic homestead, being designed and managed using permaculture practices. We aim for self-sufficiency in fruit and vegetables for increased self reliance and better resilience to the modern world. I recognise that we are unlikely to be truly self sufficient, but do the best we can. I share our home with my loving husband, Mr J and our cat, Monty.
We are a fifty-something couple who live on a smallholding in Carmarthenshire, Wales. We are going green and creating a gentler, cleaner and more healthy life for our family.
Having had a highly successful smallholding in Monmouthshire, we hope to recreate the abundance at our new home. There will be a large organic kitchen garden with no dig gardening raised beds and young food forest in which to grown our fruit and vegetables.
We keep a few sheep and Aylesbury ducks.
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Other music by www.EpidemicSound.com