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Forgiveness Over Bitterness // Guard Your Heart // Matthew 6 | Faith Church, Chandler, IN 47610

Bitterness is an issue we all have to deal with because we live in a world with people who will hurt us and sin against us. Jesus tells us that if forgiveness has flooded into our lives from above, that it will flow outward around us as well.

#FaithFreeWillBaptistChurch #ChandlerIN #ChandlerIndiana #churchservice #churchserviceworship #churchsermons #churchservicelivestreaming ___________________________________________________________________
Faith is a life-giving church in Chandler, Indiana. We value the ancient truth of God's Word and seek to bring it into everyday life. We welcome everyone because we know God can rescue anyone. Our mission is to build the church our friends and neighbors will join and our children will one day lead. We know we accomplish this best by following Jesus, growing in groups, and serving on teams. Join us any Sunday at 9:30 or 11:00 at 303 N 5th St Chandler, IN 47610 ____________________________________________________________________Connect with Faith Free Will Baptist Church (Chandler, IN) ➤ Contact Faith Church: faithinchandler.com/contact-us/ ➤ Website: faithinchandler.com/ ➤ Instagram: www.instagram.com/FaithFWBChurch/ ➤ Facebook: www.facebook.com/FaithFWBChurch/