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Jeddah bag and Jacket House, Haris building iqbal road, Main committee chowk rawalpindi
Jan Muhammad 0300-0522497
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Quality content is our motto. we make vlogs since writing books was not practical in the modern world and generation Z no longer seems to be interested in books. We wait for the day when we will be free enough to write books but for the moment our experiences will be shared at this channel on different topics.
The videos about shopping are never paid nor this channel accepts money for promotion of any product. The sole purpose of these videos is to guide people in shopping in raja bazar, moti bazar and purana qila rawalpindi areas. Bargaining is the customer's right and you should ask prices from different shops before making a decision. Discounts are offered by Shop keepers on their own will. This channel will not be liable for any kind of Losses to viewers if occurred.
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