How to save Sun Jian and Sun Ce to get the True Wu Ending in #DynastyWarriorsOrigins. Personally this was tricky to achieve and most videos which I researched on how to do this on Youtube were quite vague and unclear, so hopefully now I know how to do it, this will summarise each step better
Intro 00:00
Saving Sun Jian (Battle of Xiangyang start) 01:42
Saving Sun Jian (defeating the revenant) 06:21
Saving Sun Jian (reaching Sun Jian's location) 07:37
Saving Sun Ce (Suppression of Wu start) 11:22
Saving Sun Ce (defeating the revenant) 15:36
Saving Sun Ce (finding the tunnel) 16:08
Saving Sun Ce (defeating Bailuan quickly) 16:26
Outro 21:31
True Wu Ending scene 23:49
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