They sailed into the sea…. never to be seen again.
For centuries, the Bermuda Triangle has been a dark enigma, swallowing ships, planes, and entire crews without a trace. But among its most chilling disappearances is the case of the Witchcraft—a fitting name for a yacht that would disappear into the night, leaving nothing but chilling questions behind.
Unlike other ghostly legends of the Triangle, Witchcraft wasn’t an old, worn-out ship doomed from the start. This luxurious yacht was unsinkable—outfitted with flotation devices designed to keep it afloat even if damaged. So, how could it simply disappear?
Was it a rogue wave, an unseen force, or did they encounter something beyond human understanding? Watch this video to find all the eerie details of Witchcraft’s last moments. Don’t forget to let us know what you think happened that night.
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