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Drone Crash Compilation - VOL 12

If you own a drone, you know this feeling all too well.
Learn from other's mistakes!

Share your videos for Volume 13!

or, Email a link to your crash here:
kenheronupload@gmail.com - Subject: My Drone Crash

Get the Trees are D**** shirt HERE:

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Watch Volume 1:    • Drone Crash Compilation - VOL.  1  
Watch Volume 2:    • Drone Crash Compilation - VOL. 2  
Watch Volume 3:    • Drone Crash Compilation - VOL. 3  
Watch Volume 4:    • Drone Crash Compilation VOL.  4  
Watch Volume 5:    • Drone Crash Compilation VOL. 5 (Gravi...  
Watch Volume 6:    • Drone Crash Compilation VOL. 6  (Atta...  
Watch Volume 7:    • Drone Crash Compilation VOL. 7  
Watch Volume 8:    • Drone Crash Compilation VOL  8 | This...  
Watch Volume 9:    • Drone Crash Compilation VOL. 9 - Down...  
Watch Volume 10:    • Drone FAIL Compilation | Volume 10 (C...  
Watch Volume 11:    • Drone Crash Compilation VOL. 11  

Epidemic Sound Music Library (NO copyright strikes!)
Personal Plan: share.epidemicsound.com/STvdS
Commercial Plan: share.epidemicsound.com/STvhV
Follow me on Insta: www.instagram.com/ken.heron
REMOTEPILOT101.com - remotepilot101.com/
(Use Heron18 for 30-percent off!)
Lume Cube: glnk.io/nn4/kenheron
BEST ND filters and more - camerabutter.com/
Get your Eyeball Decals HERE:
PayPal $10 per sticker to: kenheronupload@gmail.com (Include type of drone)
Get Heron Aerial stuff HERE: teespring.com/heron-aerial-photography

Other Stuff:
Bestem Controller knob covers HERE: amzn.to/3NIcpVo
Get a set of red Chucks HERE: amzn.to/2LRxQoj

Thank you so much for supporting my channel!!
For a complete set of contest rules: www.dronebook.org/page/thejudgesdecisionisfinal

#kenheron #dronecrash #dronefails