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I am just like you - Ram Dass #spiritualawakening #advaitavedanta #ramdas #ramdass

You don’t have to be a guru to share with others your honest and intimate perspective on life , as long as you recognise that It’s just an expression of the moment and not an eternal truth,

Actually, sharing your raw view with othres can help you process It better, especially when you find a safe and loving environment, that encourages you to express yourself freely without being too quick to judge or to hold your opinions against you,

And most importantly, you can create this safe space within yourself, that’s the essence of meditation. It’s a state where you let your mind reveal itself while you listen without judgement and without clinging to what’s being said,

Plus, we are used to seeing people speak with authority and only share what they seem to have a good grasp on, and this subconsciously makes us want to come across as equally confident in what we’re sharing, which hinders our exploration of truth. Because we fear being seen as inconsistent, we feel compelled to adhere to our old viewpoints.

But in reality, If you have ever glimpsed at the truth, you will find that no words can ever describe It, any attempt to put It into words will only touch the surface.

In admitting that we don’t know, that this reality is too vast and enigmatic to be defined by any guru, concept, or philosophy, we open ourselves to the universe’s fresh revelations. In this space, we encounter the ultimate guide - that’s none other than ourselves, each and every one of us.

Wishing you all courage to express your authentic self,

Don’t forget to check my new YouTube channel dedicated to helping you meditate and explore the depth of your being, link in bio

Caption by: @truespiritual
Reel by: @babaramdass

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