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THE PAST ๐Ÿ‘€ conditioning that impacts your reality โ€“ (The "Art" of Self-Discovery: 4 of 8)

Explore The "Art" of Self-Discovery online journey at intentioninspired.com/discovery

As we begin to understand more about the human brain we also begin to understand how our conditioning is impacting our reality.

Because of the way our brain (especially during development) processes our experiences we come up with the most brilliant solutions for surviving the wide spectrum of "traumas" we may encounter. For the ability to come up with these brilliant solutions we can be grateful. At some point, these brilliant solutions were our saving grace. It is possible, that these "brilliant solutions" are no longer serving us.

Other species, when faced with high-stress situations, run and shake off the stress hormones that are created.
Once the situation is resolved, they are back to eating or whatever they were doing. They process in real-time even if they meet the same experience many times. They do not run their experience through an analytical mind filter, they do not create a story, they do not judge themselves or the experience.

Watch as this antelope freezes from the stress response of a cheetah attack and then, once free, shakes off the stress stressful event.

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As an exercise in observation and discovery only, this week we will look to the past.
To the people and experiences of the past. Not to perpetuate a trauma story but to make peace with it. Not to blame, shame, or judge ourselves or others but to identify and gain clarity.

Let's begin ...


Episode art is by Rassouli


Explore The full online journey at intentioninspired.com/discovery