Another small overnight storm on Saturday and into early Sunday morning turned the weather cold and windy once again, even bringing a little snow to the area. The morning was somewhat blustery with low clouds and fog rolling in. There was no sign of our beloved eagle pair on either camera all morning until early afternoon when the clouds somewhat cleared and blue skies appeared again.
Shadow suddenly arrived at the nest looking handsome as ever with a good-sized headless carp. All was quiet for a few moments while he looked around quickly, protecting the fish and most likely expecting to see his lady love nearby. All of a sudden, anyone within earshot could likely hear Jackie coming and recognized her distant high-pitched squeals. As she approached the nest, her squeals became louder and louder as she had every intention of claiming her fish gift from her sweet mate.
She came in quickly through the front porch and nearly landed right on top of the fish! Just as expected, she claimed the partially eaten carp and began enjoying her meal. As she ate, she was happily and softly chattering and twerpling while Shadow poked around in the nest and cleaned and sharpened his beak on some larger sticks.
Jackie seems to love it when Shadow brings her a fish and he, in turn, looks so proud when he provides them for her as a special gift for his queen. This is just a small part of what makes their relationship so sweet and beautiful!
As Jackie finished her afternoon meal, snow began to gently fall around them and Shadow decided to head over to the back porch. He had his eye on a bird that was circling, possibly a raven, that flew by and was seen at 4:25:12 out at a distance down near the lake. Jackie finished her fish and then followed after Shadow as he flew off the back porch.
Later on, they were both seen in the Roost Tree singing a sweet duet chortle song which was another wonderful bonding moment. As light snow continued to fall, Jackie was seen leaving first this time and Shadow was close behind.
Jackie and Shadow appear to remain bonded and are still very much together as a couple despite the hardships they have experienced with the harsh winter and unhatched eggs they have faced so far this season. The true gift is that they have each other and their love story appears to be very real. Thank you all for loving them as we wait to see what is next for these lovebirds!
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