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Transforming grey parking space into green space accessible for all: Effective policy and design

00:00:00 - Why is parking policy so important? What policy and design changes can be made? Katja Stille. Tibbalds Planning and Urban Design. Chair of the UDG.
00:04:58 - Local policy initiatives and approaches to design linked to broader policy goals. Alice Roberts. Head of Green Spaces Campaigns. cpre London.
00:30:18 - A parking policy benchmark tool. Will Petty. Transport Campaigner.
00:48:19 - Accessible spaces, parking, transport policy and design outcomes. Rick Rodgers. Campaigns and Policy Officer, Wheels for Wellbeing
00:57:54 - Detailed discussion. Chaired by Jeremy Leach. London Living Streets.
An Urban Design Group and cpre London (Campaign to Protect Rural England) presentation.