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How To Treat Chapped Lips in 3 Easy Steps (Dermatologist)

Dry, cracked, chapped lips driving you crazy? In this video, Dr. Syed (a board-certified dermatologist) will explain how to make this problem go away in days.

Often people try using lip balms, drinking water, or using lip scrubs to treat this issue. But Dr. Syed explains why these 3 are not the ideal approach, and there's actually much better things you could be doing to help.

0:00 - Intro
0:34 - The different types of dry lips
3:09 - What type of lip dryness do I have?
6:00 - Treatment of Dry Lips
6:04 - 1 Ointment
7:20 - Stratum, Your Personal Skincare Assistant
8:00 - 1 Device
8:19 - 1 Rule