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YONSEI UNIVERSITY STUDY ABROAD Q&A // application process, friends, classes, campus life, dorms

hii everyone today's video is my official last yonsei-related video everrrr ahhhhh

i decided to film a q&a since so many people requested this video, so i hope this is helpful to anyone interested in applying and going to study abroad!

about me
school: ucla
year: junior
age: 20
fav song rn: beaches by beabadoobee

insta @ oliviapropp www.instagram.com/oliviapropp/
tiktok @ oliviapropp www.tiktok.com/@oliviapropp

editing: final cut pro
sub count: 4,898

#yonsei #yonseiuniversity #yonseistudyabroad #studyabroad #korea #koreavlog #yonseivlog #yonseidayinthelife #dayinmylife #weekinmylife #vlog #korean #halfkorean #yonseiqanda #collegeqanda #koreaqanda #students #college #collegevlog #uni #university #univlog #koreauniversity #연세대