4735いいね 374642回再生


Please also use it for working / studying / sleeping BGM, relaxation time etc (# ^. ^ #)
It's a bit sad, but at the end it's smiling,
I tried making music that your heart seems to calm down, I feel like I can feel kind.

Because I felt that I was making and feeling became calm,
There may be a healing effect!

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   / @bgm_maker  

(Almost) updated everyday.

Like, comments, sharing, feel free to ♪
We also ask for your requests etc. in the comments section.

★ Recommended piano BGM medley is here ↓ ★
[Healing BGM medley] Beautiful piano music ~ For work, for study / for sleep please also ~
   • 【癒しのBGMメドレー】美しいピアノ音楽 ~作業用・勉強用・睡眠用にもどうぞ~  

★ Popular piano music is here ↓ ★
   • 【泣けるサントラ】美しく悲しいピアノ音楽【作業用・睡眠用BGM】癒しの音楽  

★ I tried making winter-song ↓ ★
   • 静かな夜に聴く、冬の癒し曲【作業用BGM】冷たくなった心が暖まりそうな音楽