7026いいね 393353回再生

(sub)슬기롭고픈 의사 생활 VLOG #2. 병원의 꽃, 내과에서의 5월

I came back after a having peaceful month. How are you guys doing?

It's been very lucky throughout May. January and February 2021 were very unlucky, so I felt like I was being compensated with all the luck in May.

I've been doing a lot of intern jobs since last month's department of emergency medicine, so now I do not get nervous anymore. Now, the nervous ones are the ones that take a long time and let other stuffs pushed back. This is the case with compressions (compressing areas with bleeding or areas with a high risk of bleeding), CT, MRI keeps, etc.

I'd like to upload a Vlog at least once a month, but even this isn't so easy. Since video editing has become a hobby for me, I think it's still sustainable. ☺️ (If not, I wouldn't have make it)

I feel great joy when I find a nice piece of music, and get thrilled when it matches the video.

I hope I get better at filming and editing videos little by little. 🎥

The weather was very nice in May. But It's been raining a lot lately as the rainy season is approaching.🌧 Now I'm using a semi-automatic umbrella that's a little heavy, and I'm thinking about purchasing a light folding umbrella. If it's a bright pastel color, I think I can use it happily.

Also, I am so obsessed with lip balm even though it's not dry winter (In Korea, winter is dry and summer is very wet)💄 I'm applying alternately with Nivea, Vaseline color lip balm, Skin food avocado lip balm, and Dior lip Glow.

Have a great day, everyone!
and thank you so much for waiting and supporting me :)
Hope you guys the best as always.
See you again soon!

#Vlog, #Doctor, #Hospitalplaylist, #Eucalyptus, #Korea