YAY for weekend trips! I planned this fun little trip with my best friend, kelli, less than a week before we went! I filmed this as more of a montage-style vlog rather than talking a lot during the video. I hope you guys enjoyed this little video, and I love and appreciate you more than you know! thank you so much for watching!
instagram: carolineruby_ www.instagram.com/carolineruby_/
tiktok: carolinerubyyy www.tiktok.com/@carolinerubyyy
pinterest: carolinerubyy pin.it/6rsLlsV
vsco: carolinearuby https://carolinearuby
let me know what kind of content you want to see! my instagram DMs are always open and I love to chat with you guys!
you're so amazing and your support means the world to me! LOVE YOU SO SO MUCH
caroline :))