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FLAME - COLORFUL SUNSET COLORS IN A PEARL POUR #fluidart #acrylicpouring #pearlpour

FLAME - SUNSET COLORS IN A PEARL POUR #fluidart #acrylicpouring #pearlpour

Hi guys! Welcome

I’ve been really busy with the collaboration coming up tomorrow. Be sure to stay tuned for that starting at 8pm EST. I’ll be first then Cindy Vanderveen, then Niki D, and Jessica Winter- Strom who just started her YouTube channel.

Also been busy organizing my studio. It’s a challenge. It’s amazing how many art supplies we can accumulate, am I right??

This piece was purely for fun…although I spent quite awhile getting the base recipe and color consistencies just right.


I now have a 10% off discount code for anyone looking for the Hands Off Handlles



Colors are described in the beginning of the video.

4 oz Artist loft soft body (20-21 version)
4 oz Apple Barrel paint
8 oz Floetrol
1 oz Decoart Satin Enamels
2 oz Behr Scuff Defense deep base
2 oz Liquitex pouring medium
2 oz GAC800
1/2 tsp Zinsser paint booster water based
5-6 oz of water

If you see any pieces you would like to make your own, you can reach me privately at GCFluidart@gmail.com

If you would like to help support my channel, donations are gratefully accepted at:


Another way is to like subscribe and share

Music by Epidemic Sound
Soul Crazy - Tomas Skydelberg
Mess it Up - Rafa Sessions

Please be safe and create
