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Mario Brain Break | Mario Jump Battle | Mario Would You Rather and more

If you like the Super Mario Movie you are going to love this Mario Brain Break! Enjoy a Super Mario Jump Battle with two new brain breaks in between the jumping! Luigi takes on Princess Peach! Who do you think will win? Choose and side and jump with the tiles!

Brain Breaks:

Mario Would you rather! This Mario themed would you rather game is so much fun! Do the dance under the thing you would rather do to make your choice!

Mario Spot the Difference! Can you spot the differences in the two picture I show you?

This is a Movement game for healthy kids! Use it at home or in your classroom to get some energy out and have fun!!

Thank you!

#mario #supermario #brainbreak #justdance #jumpbattle #wouldyourather #spotthedifference #healthykids #movementbreak #teachers