Hiking Bukit Teletubbies in Bukit Holbung Sumatra Indonesia
In this video we will explore Bukit Holbung, a hill in the surroundings of Lake Toba; a very attractive area for nature’s lovers and enthusiasts since you can hike all the way to the summit, appreciate the majesty of the mountains, enjoy breathtaking views towards Samosir Island, Patung Yesus in Bukit Sibea bea as well as other villages around
Bukit Holbung is located in mainland outside of Samosir Island to be more specific in the Harian District, Samosir Regency. From Tuk Tuk, it can take around 2 hours, but it will depend on your method of transport
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Much Love&Light
Youssef&Vero 🫶🏻