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ABCs of PSE: F is for Smart Brush (Photoshop Elements 2021)

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Here's something unique to Photoshop Elements!

Today we learn more about the Smart Brush under the Enhance section of the Photoshop Elements toolbox.

Watch the video for my tutorial on how to use the smart brush tool. I demonstrate it with portraits today, but you can also use it on landscapes. DigitalScrapbookingHQ.com/abcF

In the video I demonstrate the brick wall effect, lipstick, bright eyes, pearly whites, teeth retouching, lighten skin tones and spray tan.

1:10 Brick wall texture
1:20 Link to quick selection tool    • ABCs of PSE: A is for Quick Selection...  
2:15 Editing a portraits with the Smart Brush tool
2:25 Lipstick tool: Drag over the lips
2:57 Refine edge tool    • Selecting Fine Detail Using Refine Ed...  
4:00 Pearly whites
4:45 Bright eyes: Drag over the eyes
5:50 Lighten skin tones
6:30 Spray tan
7:28 Desaturate reds
7:48 Refine edge tool video    • Selecting Fine Detail Using Refine Ed...  

I'll be back on Monday with everything you need to know about the Gradient tool!
