23いいね 872回再生

【韓國網紅】1000次雲朵疏乎厘蛋 | 容易做嗎?好吃嗎?有驚喜嗎?Soufflé Omelette 수플레오믈렛 [中/英/日]

After 400 times of coffee, there are emerging challenges, called 1000 times of cloudy eggs, this time the challenge of manually egg-beating 1,000 times, and made an ultra-soft egg of ohmic eggs. Is it easy to do (compared to # 400 coffee)? How long will it take? Does it taste good? Wait for me to tell you once

Making skills 00:04-04:30
After comments 04:35-06:15

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1000 次 战 # Soufflé Omelette # careless ohm eggs