430いいね 47447回再生

【Props ID】Lighthouse in Sakura town!!! You can move it everywhere you want!

0:00 introduction
0:17 Props ID of "Lighthouse"
0:47 Beautiful landscape of lighthouse
0:51 you can see it from the park and Yuta playing
1:06 An old lighthouse and my new lighthouse
1:22 Mio enters the lighthouse
1:27 go up the winding stairs
1:32 lighthouse observation deck
1:47 Mio dancing
1:57 lighthouse roof
2:02 Mysterious ball at the top of the lighthouse
2:09 lighthouse attic
2:16 Mio relaxing in the attic
2:25 How to move a lighthouse
2:33 Bring a new lighthouse to the old lighthouse's location
2:33 View from the port lighthouse
2:44 new lighthouse in Sakura town!!
2:47 Yuta falls from the lighthouse
2:50 Lighthouse on the roof of the school
2:58 Lighthouse on the school sports grounds
3:05 Lighthouse on the upper floor of luxury apartment
3:12 Super huge lighthouse!
3:18 Bring a lighthouse to the lake!
3:27 Pleasant smartphone input sound
3:39 Beautiful view of lighthouse at the lake
3:48 Mio and Yuta on the rooftop of lighthouse!

Props ID 4517 1013 4570 18

Game Sakura School Simulator (GARUSOFT)
Google Play
App Store
Developper X (Twitter)
※GARUSOFT allows us to upload parts of contents of Sakura School Simulator. That’s why I can upload videos. Thank you GARUSOFT!

[YouTube playlists]
〇Long funny videos
   • 長編おもしろ/Long Funny Videos  
〇Story videos
   • 物語narrative  
〇Mio and Yuta videos!
   • 会田ミオと会田雄太 兄妹特集 MIO & YUTA  
〇Mio Aida videos
   • 会田ミオ特集 MIO AIDA SPECIAL  
〇Mio Aida funny motion videos
   • おもしろい動きシリーズFunny motion series  
〇Yuta Aida videos
   • 会田雄太 YUTA AIDA  
〇Sakura School Simulator tutorial videos
   • サクシミュジャーナル SAKURA SCHOOL SIMULATOR JO...  
   • "How to" series! / いろんな解説動画!  
〇Music videos
   • ミュージックビデオ music video  
〇”Horror Mio” series
   • Horror Mio/ホラーミオ  
〇Mio Aida on the meme
   • はやりに乗るやつ/Me on the meme  
○Remix videos
   • リミックス動画/Remix videos  
〇Shorts funny videos
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〇Character funny voice videos
   • キャラクターの叫び声で遊んでみた/character voice funn...  
〇Mio-VTuber videos
   • ミオチューバー/MioTuber  
〇Props ID tutorial videos
   • 小道具ID props ID  
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〇video Indonesia
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