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How Chihuahuas Choose Their Favorite Person

Chihuahuas are known for being incredibly loving and devoted, with a fierce loyalty to their family. But even so, they’re famously known for developing an unbreakable bond with just one special member of their pack. If you have a Chihuahua, you’ve probably noticed how they treat this one person differently. But here’s the thing: a Chihuahua doesn’t just pick their favorite person at random. There are specific reasons, such as the things you do, that can affect their choice.

In this video, I’ll break down how these “one-person” dogs decide who gets the honor of being their favorite.

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More on the Chihuahua:

◘ Are Chihuahuas Smart?: thesmartcanine.com/are-chihuahuas-smart/

◘ 34 Classic Chihuahua Mixes: thesmartcanine.com/chihuahua-mix/

◘ What Were Chihuahuas Bred For?: thesmartcanine.com/what-chihuahuas-bred-for/

◘ Are Chihuahuas Good With Kids?: thesmartcanine.com/are-chihuahuas-good-with-kids/

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00:00 Intro
00:42 #1
01:44 #2
02:58 #3
04:17 #4
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08:02 #7
09:07 #8
10:04 Don't Worry