58いいね 2035回再生

청계천의 여름~ 더위를 식히는 저녁 산책 🐳 도심의 자연 왜가리, 백로, 오리, 잉어 | 4K HDR

Let's take a walk around Cheonggyecheon Stream in the evening when the sun goes down to cool off the summer heat.
Why not go, egret, duck, and carp
Listening to the cool sound of water, the sound of birds crying
I walk slowly through Cheonggyecheon Stream between downtown buildings.

Maps - map.naver.com/p/entry/place/13491093?c=15.00,0,0,0…

◼︎ 'Seoul Walking Day' tries to make good videos of various landscapes in Seoul.
◼︎ ‘서울걷는데이’는 서울의 다양한 풍경을 담는 좋은 영상을 만들기 위해 노력합니다.
◼︎ 채널멤버십 가입 Channel Membership : youtube.com/channel/UCschANC5jAv8E_IC2fon00w/join
◼︎ 이메일 문의 E-mail : cinesaein@hanmail.net

#청계천 #Cheonggyecheon #SeoulWalkingDay #서울걷는데이