107いいね 6084回再生

鎌倉・江ノ島へロングライド!やっぱり海は良いですね!【ロードバイク】【サイクリング】【海岸】【ocean view】【そのさん】【Bianchi】【oltrexr3】【ゴールデンウィーク】

Yes, that's it ~.

Video posting has been delayed considerably ... I'm sorry!
This time, I took a long ride to Kamakura in the middle of Golden Week!

Now that I think about it ... why did I decide to go to this place where I could expect it to be crowded ...
My thoughts are strange.

Sure enough, if you get caught in a traffic jam, you can't enter the store in Kamakura / Enoshima.
I think it was a very long ride.

It was great just to see the sea! !!

It's also good to go by train this time, rent a bicycle, drink a lot and go home! !!