SC Instagram : li.a.m.m1
In the cool forest, a small bird flew low, searching for a place to build its nest. Among the trees, it saw a deer with majestic antlers. However, there was a small hole in one of its antlers—a scar from an old battle that had become part of it. The bird approached, curiously examining the hole. It carried tiny twigs and soft leaves, carefully arranging them inside the hole in the antler. Bit by bit, a nest took shape—a warm and safe place. The deer turned its head, sensing the tiny presence on its antlers. But it did not drive the bird away—it simply took a deep breath and continued its journey, now with a new inhabitant nesting on its antlers. From a wound of the past, new life was born. The little bird found a home, and the deer carried a story of the beautiful balance of nature.