It's time for Part 2, and I continue talking about every single method of learning English vocabulary I have ever tried, and about the pros and cons of each strategy. I'm explaining my own method of using evidence-based techniques to study English vocabulary, working on vocabulary with a speaking partner and in conversation meetings, and how to improve your active vocabulary through stories. Experiment with a bunch of learning strategies to figure out which strategy for learning words in English will work for YOU.
I'm going to explain some methods of boosting your vocabulary in detail in separate videos in the future. This video is just an overview. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask them in the comments down below.
___________Watch next___________
ALL VOCABULARY METHODS I've Ever Tried | Part 2: • ALL Vocabulary Learning Methods I Tri...
How to Find and Work with a SPEAKING PARTNER: • The First Step To SPEAKING FLUENCY
___________Resources I mention in the video___________
How to study for exams - The Retrospective Revision Timetable (Ali Abdaal): • How to study for exams - The Retrospe...
Hadar's channel: Accent's Way English with Hadar:
Hadar's free Facebook group (The InFluency Community):
_______Contents of this video___________
0:00 Why you should watch Part 1
0:36 Method #5: Active recall, spaced repetition, and a notebook
2:38 Method #6: Working on and discussing vocabulary with a speaking partner
3:49 Method #7: Working on and discussing new vocabulary in conversation groups as a host
4:57 Method #8: Creating stories using new words
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