The Brompton C Line Explore OR the Dahon Mariner D8— Which folding bike is right for you?
Brompton C Line Explore [ ]
Dahon Mariner D8 40th Ed. [ ]
Brompton Rear Rack [ ]
To help with the decision, we created an evaluation grid and assigned points to the following characteristics:
00:00 Introduction
00:12 Evaluation Grid
00:31 Cost [20 pts]
01:03 Foldability
01:09 Ease of Folding [5 pts]
01:32 Size/ Weight [15 pts]
02:28 Ride Quality
02:37 Bike Fitting [5 pts]
03:07 Gearing [5 pts]
03:52 Brakes [5 pts]
04:27 Comfort [5 pts]
05:57 Maintenance
05:58 Tires [5 pts]
06:25 Proprietary Parts [5 pts]
06:52 Support [5 pts]
07:21 Luggage Capacity [10 pts]
07:38 Reliability/ROI [15 pts]
08:29 Final Score
Of course, The relative weight for each characteristic will depend on the rider’s priorities. For example, Foldability would be paramount for a commuter while a casual rider may be more budget driven.
One Problem with Brompton - Brompton Traveler
[ • One Problem with Brompton ]
Music: The Day is Close - The 126ers
#brompton #2bikes4adventure #foldingbike #dahon