56いいね 1224回再生

AEV In-Field 4WD Training on the Oregon Sand Dunes

AEV travels back to the spectacular Oregon Dunes National Recreation Area, giving a handful of AEV customers the chance to experience the beauty of Oregon's coastal sand dunes, while also receiving instruction on off-road driving and recovery techniques from AEV Director of Sales and I4WDTA Certified Trainer, Chris Wood.

If you are an AEV enthusiast and would like to join us on a future trip, please complete this form to be added to the invite list: aev-conversions.us4.list-manage.com/subscribe?u=b5…

#aev #aevconversions #jeep #coloradozr2 #jeepwrangler #jeepgladiator #offroadrecovery #sanddunes #oregoncoast #pacificnorthwest #overland #provenworldwide