Costa gets ready for the season ahead by doing some essential spring garden jobs. Subscribe 🔔
Great time to get into a few classic spring jobs:
CITRUS – check for pests and fertilise now:
Leaf miners create squiggly lines
Aphids are bright green and form clusters near new growing tips
To treat: If not many squash or snip off occasional areas, or if more, spray with horticultural oil.
Gall wasp – treat by either cutting a disposing of in the green bin, or try a vege peeler to expose the gall to air which may be enough to kill the gall.
Trace elements should be fed to citrus, according to the directions (not too much) and water in well.
Seaweed can be useful to apply in diluted form according to label.
Mulch trees before summer to conserve soil moisture and reduce plant water stress.
Bindi weeds: Try a specialist weed hoop hoe or ‘pricking’ tool for a non-chemical method.
Aerate: with a pitchfork to improve water infiltration and aeration.
Compost spread over lawns in ill health or areas with depressions.
-Plant veges every few weeks to keep your supply going.
Plant into well composted soil
Leafy greens are a good spring addition, like lettuce, silverbeet and tatsoi are good for this time of year.
Sunflower seeds – plant now into fertile well drained soil where you can water well. A large variety of seeds to choose from including short 40cm types that don’t shade and need less water than taller types.
Marigolds, stocks and violets are all good pollinator plants.
Try shade cloth until seedlings get established or use pots so you can move plants into shade if needed.
Featured Plants:
CITRUS - Citrus cv.
TATSOI - Brassica rapa cv.
SUNFLOWER - Helianthus annuus ‘Dwarf Sunsation’
MARIGOLD - Tagetes erecta cv.
STOCK - Matthiola incana cv.
PANSY - Viola cv.
Featured Weed:
BINDII WEED - Soliva sessilis
Featured Pest:
APHID - Family Aphididae
Filmed on Dharug Country | Kenthurst, NSW
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