I hope y'all enjoy another pokémon playlist! here are more of my personal favorites from a few of the games i play(ed) the most!
0:00 - lullaby for trains (black and white)
4:31 - viridian forest (heartgold and soulsilver)
6:35 - sazanami town (black and white)
8:59 - sky arrow bridge (mystery dungeon rescue team)
10:20 - safari zone (heartgold and soulsilver)
12:33 - area zero (scarlet and violet)
16:59 - abandoned lot of dreams (black and white)
19:33 - casseroya lake (scarlet and violet)
23:56 - pokemon center theme (colosseum)
25:24 - karakusa town (black and white)
26:40 - surfing (emerald)
29:15 - national park (heartgold and soulsilver)
32:50 - sky tower (mystery dungeon rescue team)
36:42 - relic forest (colosseum)
38:37 - sootopolis city (emerald)
40:39 - parting ~ farewell (mystery dungeon rescue team)
42:59 - cyan beach [night] (sleep)
46:58 - pokemon center (scarlet and violet)
49:47 - littleroot town (emerald)
51:47 - fadeen the fortuneteller (colosseum)
53:56 - welcome to the world of pokémon (scarlet and violet)
56:03 - greengrass isle [night] (sleep)
59:30 - cherrygrove city (heartgold and soulsilver)
1:01:17 - inlet grotto (scarlet and violet)
1:03:54 - dewford town (emerald)
1:06:20 - ecruteak city (heartgold and soulsilver
1:09:09 - the end (emerald)
all credit for the image used goes to foxlett from deviantart, please consider following her socials: