Ep.10 [K-TREND] Graduation exhibitions are in full swing at universities!
Korean universities are now approaching the end of the second semester. Around this time every year, art-related departments hold their graduation exhibitions. These exhibitions allow students to showcase the skills they have honed during their studies.
We visit the graduation exhibitions of three departments: Department of Oriental Painting, which continues the tradition of Korean art based on Eastern philosophy, Department of Design, where students present high-quality products created from their unique, creative ideas, and Department of Fashion Styling, which nurtures experts in the fashion industry.
Through these exhibitions, we explore the stories behind the soon-to-be graduates’ works and the effort invested in them.
Ep.10 [K-TREND] 대학교 졸업시즌, 졸업전시회 현장을 찾아가다!
한국의 대학교는 지금 2학기 종강을 앞두고 있다.
매년 이맘때쯤이면 예술 관련 학과는 졸업전시회를 연다.
졸업전시회는 재학시절 갈고닦은 실력을 선보이는 자리.
동양사상을 바탕으로 한국미술의 전통을 이어가는 ‘동양화과’
톡톡 튀는 아이디어로 완성도 높은 제품을 선보이는 ‘디자인학부’
패션 산업 분야 전문가를 키워내는 ‘패션스타일링학과’
세 학과의 졸업전시회 현장을 각각 찾아가 이들의 작품 이야기와 그 안에 담긴 노력을 확인해본다.
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