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Robert Gourlay: What is MEA structured living water? Dowsers Society of NSW

This section from Robert Gourlay’s 2024 Dowsers Society of NSW Conference talk, titled The Story of Water and Its Importance, delves into What is MEA Structured Living Water?.

Robert provides a comprehensive explanation of structured water, which he defines as water with a permanent negative charge, a blue hue, cavitation (micro-bubbles), and high surface tension. MEA (Magnetised Energised Activated) water offers remarkable benefits, including its ability to transform pathogenic microbes, convert chemicals back into their elemental forms, and deeply hydrate the body at a cellular level.

He discusses how structured water acts as a powerful antioxidant, supporting nutrient absorption, toxin removal, and DNA protection. By forming smaller molecular clusters, structured water enhances hydration, aids protein function, and mitigates environmental disturbances like radiation. Despite the transformative potential of MEA structured water, Robert emphasises that this research is privately funded and not supported by universities or governments.

He also mentions his workshops on the science and benefits of structured water, which cover advanced topics such as quantum physics and the role of structured water in health and well-being.

Key Themes:
• Definition and properties of MEA structured living water
• Structured water’s benefits for hydration, nutrient absorption, and toxin removal
• The antioxidant properties of structured water in supporting cellular health
• The ability of structured water to transform chemicals and pathogenic microbes
• Privately funded research into the science of structured water

Learn more about Robert Gourlay's work and the importance of water through the Dowsers Society of NSW by visiting: dowsingaustralia.com.au/.

#DowsersSocietyofNSW #StructuredWater #MEAWater #Dowsing #RobertGourlay #WaterScience #Hydration #QuantumWater #AntioxidantWater #WaterForHealth