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2월이 짧은 이유! 2월은 왜 28일까지밖에 없을까..?(달력의 역사)

The first calendar used by the ancient Romans existed from March to December, only ten months a year.
This is because the Romans, who considered spring as the beginning of the year, thought that winter also stops because the land is resting. The year was 10 months, or 304 days, and Roman Emperor Numa Pompilius added two months to this, January and February, dividing the year into 12 months. The current calendar ends in December, but February was the last month of the year.
In fact, Latin sept, octo means 7 and 8, and the English words september and october mean September and October, so we can see that there is a two-month difference hidden in it.
Nevertheless, there was a problem with the Numa calendar at that time. The year was 355 days, so 365.2422...Due to the lack of a one-man cycle, the number of days of one year continued to change, with 355 days in one year, 384 days in another, and this change in the calendar destroyed the order of society. The timing of farming has changed, causing great inconvenience to the lives of the Romans, with bad harvests and Thanksgiving coming in the summer.
It was Julius Caesar, a prominent Roman politician who solved this problem. He created the Julius calendar, which modified the Numa calendar, and at that time, he considered even numbers to be ominous, so he designated odd months as 31 days and even months as 30 days. This makes 366 days a year, and to meet 365 days a year, February became 29th, minus one day from the last month of February.
Then why is February only until the 28th in the calendar we use now?
This is due to Emperor Augustus, who came to power after Caesar. Emperor August changed his name to August after his birth. He didn't like the month he was born was a "small month," but he took a day from February, the last month, and added it to August, making August a "big month" with 31 days. For this reason, February became 28 days, two days less than other months.
But do you know that February 2020 was until the 29th this year? The year of February 29th, which comes back every four years, is called leap year.
This is the 365.2422 revolution cycle when the year is set to 365 days.Because there are 0.2422 days left from work. 0.2422 = 0.25 days, which means you have about a quarter of a day, or six hours. When six hours gather for four years, 24 hours, a day is short, and once every four years, February 29th will be back!

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