24いいね 304回再生

astrology + location + maps

Mix astrology + location + maps = found my calling 🏹

Locational astrology. It’s kinda my thing 🥹💖

If you didn’t know about the power of Astro mapping and are intrigued, it is time to use this cozy season well and get to learnin’!

I’m always using this time of year to get started on new online learning, read new books and order my next batch of astrology texts.

If you want to get started comment COMPASS down below and I’ll send you a link to my free content and my flagship signature course “Relocation Astrology” 💖

I have tons of free content on my podcast “Cosmic Compass” and YouTube channel “astrocartography with Helena” ⚡️

join here: helenawoods.com/relocation-astrology
